Life in Cities

Formstudies V2a - An awareness of the lives of other-than-human species, which until now we have killed to control, is crucial in fostering respect and coexistence.

Mycelium is a fascinating and intricate living material. It is the vegetative part of a fungus that consists of a vast network of tiny, thread-like structures called hyphae. Mycelium plays a crucial role in nature, as it is responsible for breaking down organic matter and recycling nutrients in the soil.

One of the most amazing things about mycelium is its ability to communicate and collaborate with other organisms. Through a process known as mycorrhizal symbiosis, mycelium can form mutually beneficial relationships with the roots of plants. The mycelium provides the plant with essential nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen, while the plant provides the mycelium with sugars produced through photosynthesis. 

This study seeks to unveil the wondrous possibilities of integrating mycelium into our daily lives. The ultimate goal is to awaken a deeper awareness of the world we inhabit and the crucial role that nature plays in sustaining it. By shedding light on the incredible potential of mycelium, I hope to expand horizons and reveal the myriad opportunities this remarkable material has to offer.

Mycelium, the intricate network of underground fungal threads, has long been recognized for its crucial role in sustaining the natural world. However, recent years have seen scientists and innovators exploring how mycelium can also improve people's lives in a multitude of ways.

One area where mycelium holds immense potential is in sustainable agriculture. By forming symbiotic relationships with plants, mycelium provides nutrients and protection against pathogens in exchange for sugars and organic compounds. By harnessing this power, farmers can reduce their reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides, resulting in healthier crops and a more sustainable food system. 

But mycelium's usefulness doesn't end there. In the bustling pace of urban life, it's easy to forget the importance of nature. However, by reintroducing mycelium into urban spaces, we can revitalize and restore natural systems, helping to combat the health problems that plague many paved cities. Mycelium has been shown to remove pollutants from soil and water, making it a powerful tool for cleaning up contaminated urban environments. Additionally, mycelium can be used to create green roofs and walls, reducing the urban heat island effect and providing a natural habitat for pollinators and other wildlife.

By making mycelium visible in the heart of the city, we can unlock the potential for a truly beautiful and vibrant urban landscape. No longer just a practical material, mycelium can become a guide for rediscovering the beauty and wonder of the natural world, even in the most unlikely of places.

The potential uses for mycelium are only just being discovered. By tapping into this amazing natural resource, we can create a more sustainable future for ourselves and for the planet. Whether it's improving agriculture or restoring urban ecosystems, mycelium has the power to transform our world. It's time to embrace the wonder of mycelium and unlock its full potential for a brighter future.

Life is everywhere. Underneath the paving and outside of our cities. We as the human species only see the world that we have created and we tend to kill everything that is not stood up for yet. Unfortunately we are very good at that. Although we are part of the very complex biodiversity, we do not seem to notice that we are very much dependent on other species. Why do we treat the human as a superior species instead of equals? We do not get to talk to other than human species but we have learned so much about them. Books are full of all the things that we know about them but still we seem to ignore this in daily life. It is not even a point of discussion. 

Although there is not much space left in The Netherlands, every spot we can find houses even more murderers. A cubic meter of soil may contain thousands of different species of bacteria and fungi. This complex underground community creates and maintains the substance that plants, trees, and animals depend on. The ironic part is that some believe that greening the city consists of adding a few trees in the middle of a paved area. What if we are able to restore the balance letting nature grow within the city. It is not about seeing the beauty of nature rather than making concessions in our daily lives. 

Restoring the balance between nature and urbanization is a crucial step towards creating a sustainable and harmonious environment. By allowing nature to grow within the city, we can create a more livable and healthy community. It is not just about admiring the beauty of nature, but rather recognizing the vital role that it plays in our lives. 

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Honourable mention

Arne Hendriks | Artist | Teacher

External party

Mediamatic | Art centre dedicated to new developments